1. Log into your website.

2. Click on the 'Admin' button at the top right of your website and select 'Users'

3. On the Users page, click the 'Add User' button.

4. Add the necessary contact information (name, title, etc) and set their password. 

Note: all users that have an email added require a password

  • If the user does not need access to the website but they're a staff member and you'd like them displayed on a staff page using the User block, add a password but it's not necessary to give them that password.
  • The only users that need a password are Admins or those that have permission to edit specific areas of the website.

5. Next you will want to assign the user to a group and add permissions. 

  • In the left-hand side of the page will provide you with several other areas you can edit/add information, see section below for more details.

User settings



You are able to select 'Hide my email address' in the event this user would request their contact email not being shown on the website. 


In groups, you will be able to associate the user with different groups set up on the site.
Note: All users assigned to the 'Staff' group will display in the User block when that group is chosen.

Need additional groups added?

1. Click on 'Manage Organization Groups' located below the list of groups

2. Next, click on 'New Group' and from here you will be able to create the desired group which will appear in the Group listing once saved. 


In permissions, you are able to assign different permissions to each user. Selecting the "Admin" option would give the user full administrative access throughout the whole site. 

In the second section of the permissions page, you will be able to assign permissions to specific areas of the site. For example, specific ministries or programs already created on the site. 

6. Click 'Save Permissions' and the new account will be saved. At this point, it is recommended that you email the user with their new login information.  
Note: the user will not automatically receive an email that he/she has been signed up as a user unless you have added the user to the online directory.